Five years ago I went to Rivercities Humane Society in search of a kitty I could take with me to college, as I had never really liked being alone. I went in thinking I’d be taking home a Calico Female that I had been dying to have but to my surprise, after going to play with the kittens, only one kitty really showed interest in playing with me. He was a orange tabby named Chili Pepper who was so cute and playful. As I sat there playing with him I just knew in my heart that this was the kitten for me. We just instantly bonded and I knew he was going to mean the world to me. It’s been five years and I still love this boy more and more everyday. He spends most of his time either getting the zoomies and taking off across the apartment or laying curled up next to me taking a nap. I recommend Rivercities to anyone who is looking for a new fur baby and I am so grateful to them because they helped me find my fur baby. He isn’t a very photogenic boy but I did manage to get some cute pictures of him in his Christmas sweater so here’s Chili Pepper!