Thursday I had to take Richard to the airport so he could get back to Cali for work. I “accidentally” on purpose 😹🤷🏼♀️🤭 found myself at #RiverCitiesHumaneSocietyforCats and that’s where I meet this precious guy(isn’t he the cutest) and the Jones 🎪 house has just got a little more exciting. This is Meeko, 3 and 1/2 months old male, a little skittish but he’s definitely warming up and exploring his new home. If only Mia would quit being so nosey. Ellie was just so excited when I got home with him. He wasn’t to friendly with the dogs at first but the next day they were all over it. @dudeitsrichy_ #Meeko #newfamilymember #joiningtheclub #crazycatladyclub @rivercitieskitties