We adopted Samantha from River Cities. She is a black cat. At the time she was about 4-5 months old. We renamed her Raven! We were so happy to bring her home! For the first few days she hid a lot and was unsure of her new home. Then started exploring the house. Every day she has gotten more and more friendly and social. In less than 2 weeks, she is thriving! She loves pets and forehead kisses. She has started sleeping on the bed every night with us and her senior cat sister. She loves to play and run around and begs for attention from her sister! They two get along better and better every day and her sister is really beginning to accept her and even plays with her now sometimes. We are so happy to see her thrive and develop her personality. She is such a joy! So precious! We are so happy we adopted her. The staff at River Cities were very friendly and helpful and are such kind people. So happy our little Raven is starting to soar in her forever home!!